Articuno28 posted a comment and in reply I posted the longest comment ever! It is in the comments page in the center! I challenge everybody/anybody to make a longer comment!   


A Must Do Challenge! 

Posted on December 24, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.


  2. Okay, so I was at the mall when I saw this great purse for my mom, but when I was going to grab it some snooty lookin’ girl snatched it from my hands! 😮 I was like, oh no you didn’t! But all she did was blow a bubble in my face a model walked away! 😮 😦 Then I snatched back the bag and kicked the girl in the shins! 😮 that should teach her a Christmas lesson!! (Oh and just so you know, it was at a Kohl’s)

  3. But then when I was checking out, that girl came up to me with a group! 😦 then to my rescue the cashier yelled in their faces,” Get out of my store or get into the back of the lines you little ‘ Yay me!’ girls!!” Hey I had popcorn and was just lounging around! It was so EPIC! Sorry if I talk- errr, type to much! I am just really mad right now!!!!! 😦

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